Wellness in Clinic

What is it?

Acupressure is a manual therapy technique that is performed using fingers gradually pressing onto any of the 650 key trigger points around the body to simulate pain relief and muscle relaxation.

What are the benefits?

Acupressure stimulates the production of endorphins which helps to block the pain signals reaching the brain!

It can be used to ease a variety of pain and tension throughout the body..


Contraindications to acupressure are;

* Being drunk or on drugs
* Having  a pacemaker
* A seizure disorder
* Bleeding disorder such as hemophilia or use of blood thinners
* Infections skin disorder or disease
* Being pregnant


What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a Holistic therapy that works with the forces of nature . It is capable of bringing about true healing. Its a hands on therapy which seeks to induce relaxation, reduce stress, increase energy and restores the loss of balance to the mind body and soul. Aromatherapy uses odourifies substances from plants, flowers, trees, shrubs and Grasses.

In aromatherapy massage essential oils are applied to the skin and worked into the body by using massage and neuromuscular techniques. We focus on the nervous system and the channels of energy which are called meridians. We can absorb essential oils into bloodstream through the skin and via the the respiratory system.


Aromatherapy oils can be used for different skin conditions such as acne, psoriases, eczema, and other breakouts.Can help heal scar tissue and stretch marks. And can help reduce cellulite.Has been proven to help reduce inflammation on joints and help heal injured muscle.Essential oils are very useful for pre-menstrual syndrome, pregnancy and menopause.Is used to prevent and help fight viral infections. Some oils are both anti-viral and anti-fungal.Helps the immune system and the nervous system.


Severe circulatory conditions and heart conditions.Thrombosis, embolism, haephillia Epilepsy and diabetes High or low blood pressure?Dysfunction of the nervous system. Pregnancy And if you suffer from severe migraines

What is Crystal Healing?

Crystal Healing is Energy Healing with the use of crystals as tools to help shape and focus healing energies.  Appropriate crystals are selected and used to help bring the systems within the auric field back into balance and harmony.  Crystals are highly powerful and effective tools for healing as they contain a number of special properties and interact with us in many different ways.  One of these properties is the unique vibration of each crystal.  This is a result of its colour frequency, chemical composition, inner atomic structure and outer form.  Not only does this property make a crystal indispensable in altering electromagnetic waves for medical machinery and quartz watches, but it can also modify ‘healing energy’. introducing these positive vibrations into the Human auric field and/or by taking them orally, the causes of existing negative conditions are addressed so healing can take place.


Physical /Mental Benefits

Crystal Healing may benefit:

StressAnxiety and depressionRelaxationMenstrual problems/PMSHeadaches and migrainesDigestive problemsPain reliefInsomniaFatigueMemoryConcentrationNegativityRelationshipsWealthLearning difficulties



What to expect

You will be asked to remove your shoes and any jewellery before lying down, fully clothed, on a treatment couch. Your therapist will then “scan” your chakra areas & place the appropriate crystals on or around your body. When they are satisfied that the crystals have been placed correctly and that you are comfortable & relaxed, your therapist will leave the crystals to get to work for a period of time that they deem appropriate. They will then assess the effect the crystals have had & may make adjustments, accordingly.

After care advice

In order for you to gain the maximum benefits please follow our after care advice; Increase your water intake, have a suitable period of rest, avoid eating a heavy meal, smoking and cut down on tea and coffee.

What is Cupping and Moxibustion ?

Cupping therapy has been adapted for use from a form of traditional Chinese medicine. This type of therapy uses glass cups applied to the skin to help relieve pain, flush out toxins, and restore healthy blood flow to the body. Using heat or a suction pump, a vacuum is created inside of each glass cup. By creating negative pressure above the surface of the tissues, we allow the surface tissue to be lifted upwards and changing the pressure on underlying tissues, such as nerves, capillaries and fascia.

Moxibustion is the technique of burning herbs, Moxa, to create localised heat to help with the loosening of tissues and general relaxation.  It is a technique that is commonly combined with Cupping, although it is can be used separately on it’s own.  Both Cupping and Moxibustion are commonly used in combination with Acupuncture.


Physical /Mental Benefits

Improved circulation Purification of blood Regulation of the automic nervous system Has an overall cooling effect.s– Pulls blood supply to the Skin


cardiopathy; hemophilia; functional kidney illness;functional liver illness; or children under 7 years of age

What to expect

At your first cupping session, you will probably notice quite a few different tools that will be used during your treatment. These include:

glass cupsalcohol cotton balls candles matches

Though these implements may worry you, rest assured, this is not a painful treatment. You will lie down on a massage table and your therapist will first locate areas that require treatment. Once these areas have been identified, the cupping procedure will begin.

A candle is lit and used to light on fire a cotton ball that has been soaked in alcohol.This cotton ball is then held inside a glass cup, creating a vacuum.The cotton ball is removed and the cup is placed immediately on your skin.

You will feel a slight suction where each cup has been applied. Typically, between four and six cups are applied during one session. If you are receiving a massage cupping treatment, oil will first be rubbed over your skin. The glass cups will then be moved over your skin to help massage sore muscles and joints.

After care advice

In order for you to gain the maximum benefits please follow our after care advice; Increase your water intake, have a suitable period of rest, avoid eating a heavy meal, smoking and cut down on tea and coffee.

What to expect from a deep tissue massage?

A deep tissue massage will focus on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. We may use fingertips, knuckles, hands, elbows and forearms during the treatment.

Will deep tissue massage hurt?

At certain points during the massage, most people find there is usually some discomfort and pain. It is important to us know when things hurt or becomes unbearable. There is usually some stiffness or pain after a deep tissue massage, but it should subside within a day or so.

What conditions is deep tissue massage used for?

Chronic pain Limited mobility Recovery from injuries – RSI (e.g. whiplash, falls, sports injury)Repetitive strain injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome Postural problems Ostearthritis pain Fibromyalgia Muscle tension or spasm

People often notice improved range of motion immediately after a deep tissue massage and find this treatment more relieving than medication and physical exercise.

Aftercare Advice

You may feel light headed, tired, and dehydrated after your treatment. It is important to drink plenty of water directly after the massage and the rest of the day to flush metabolic waste from the tissues.

Try and relax for the rest of the day/evening following treatment. No heavy exercise should be undertaken for 24hrs.

Ice pack applications, or warm bathes maybe recommended following treatment depending on your individual complaint.


Massage is not recommended for certain people, for example:

Infectious skin disease, rash, or open wounds Immediately after surgery Immediately after chemotherapy or radiation, unless recommended by your doctorPeople with osteoporosis should consult their doctor before getting a massagePeople prone to blood clots. As there is a risk of blood clots being dislodged.Massage should not be done directly over bruises, inflamed skin, unhealed wounds, tumors, abdominal hernia, or areas of recent fractures.

What is EFT?

EFT is a powerful Therapy that is used by the stars all over the world.

It’s a Meridian treatment that involves Tapping on Acupressure points on the body, while recalling or speaking about the emotional aspect of any negative behaviour feeling or habit that you wish to dissolve.

This Therapy provides quick relief from any negative emotional state, and is an effective way to break habits, Phobias, cravings, build confidence and restore inner calm. Stop Smoking Overcome fear of flying, Anxiety, and so much more that i am able to list.

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visit www.emofree.com

What is Hopi Ear Candling ?

Hopi Ear Candling, or Thermo Auricular Therapy as it is also known, can be used to treat many conditions of the ear, nose and throat area.

The candles work by vaporising their ingredients once lit, causing convectional air flow towards the first chamber of the ear. The candle creates a mild suction which lets the vapours gently massage the eardrum and auditory canal. Once the candle is placed in the ear it forms a seal which enables wax and other impurities to be drawn out of the ear.

What to expect from a Hopi Ear Treatment?

A short consultation about medications and ear conditionsA candle is then put in the first ear and lit (this lasts approximately 9-11 minutes)The second ear is then treatedThere is a facial massage to improve circulation and energy flow to the areaThe candles can then be examined to identify problems with the ear and ascertain whetherfurther treatments are needed

What can be treated with Hopi Ear Candles?

Tinitus, compacted ear wax and glue earSore throats and hay feverHeadache and migraineSinusitis and rhinitisCatarrh and asthmaVertigoMenier’s diseaseTravel sicknessNeuralgia

Aftercare Advice

You may feel light headed, tired, and dehydrated after your treatment. It is important to drink plenty of water directly after the treatment and the rest of the day.

There is a possibility that clients may get a slight headache from sinus pressure change or feel catarrh in the throat as the sinuses clear.

Try and relax for the rest of the day/evening following treatment. No heavy exercise should be undertaken, or alcohol consumed for 24hrs.


Generally anyone can be treated using ear candling even children, but there are still some condition that cannot be treated –

Infection of the ear Inflammation of the ear Surgery on the ear within the last 3 months Perforation of the ear drum Lack of ear drum Auricular cysts Grommets, drains or ventilation tubes fitted Known allergy to candle wax

What is an Indian Head Massage?

Indian head massage is a very relaxing treatment of the scalp, face, neck and shoulders. It has been practised for thousands of years. In India this treatment is part of family life and heritage.Indian Head massage helps to relieve blockages and uncomfortable build up of tension using massage techniques and acupressure (pressure points), relieving symptoms such as eye strain, stiff neck and shoulders and even hair loss.


Physical Benefits

Significant improvement noticed with:

Migraine and headaches Sinusitis Stress related disorders Insomnia and disturbed sleep Temporor – Mandibular Joint tension (TMJ)Suppleness and flexibility to head, neck and shoulders Increase of oxygen and glucose supply to the brain Scalp stimulation increasing blood circulation, promoting healthy hair Increases cerebral spinal fluid circulation Improves muscle tone Calms the respiratory system, helping asthma

Mental Benefits

Indian Head Massage promotes:

A sense of calmness, peace and tranquillity Release from anxiety, stress and mental stain Relief from depression High levels of concentration Clearer thinking and focus Relaxation


Infectious skin conditions High blood pressure Eye disorders Cold sores Mental pins or plates (in face area)Diabetes Epilepsy Heart conditions Undergoing treatment for cancer

What to expect

Indian head massage is a treatment performed sitting in a chair. It can be done over clothes without oil, or directly on the skin with. This treatment last for 30 minutes, but allow for time afterwards to sit and have a glass of water.

After care advice

In order for you to gain the maximum benefits please follow our after care advice; Increase your water intake, have a suitable period of rest, avoid eating a heavy meal, smoking and cut down on tea and coffee.

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a specialised massage therapy in which the practitioner uses a range of specialised and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow. This stimulates the lymphatic vessels which carry substances vital to the defence of the body and removes waste products.  This advanced therapy is designed to cleanse, relax and have a powerful effect on the immune system.


Physical Benefits

Promotes the healing of fractures, torn ligaments, sprains and lessens pain.Can improve many chronic conditions: sinusitus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, acne and other skin conditions.May strengthen the immune system.Relieves fluid congestion: swollen ankles, tired puffy eyes and swollen legs due to pregnancy.Is an effective component of the treatment and control of lymphoedema and assists in conditions arising from venous insufficiency.Promotes healing of wounds and burns and improves the appearance of old scars.minimises or reduces stretch marks.

Mental Benefits

A sense of calmness, peace and tranquillity Release from anxiety, stress and mental stain Relief from depression Relaxation


Active Cancer Acute infection Congestive heart failure Thrombosis (blood clots)

What to expect

Lymphatic drainage massage usually takes place in a heated room; warmth is an important factor in increasing lymphatic flow. You are also likely to be more relaxed if you’re not cold. Your therapist will usually carry out lymphatic drainage massage with you on a massage table, while you’re draped in discreetly placed towels.

Lymphatic drainage massage uses very light pressure, as well as long, gentle, rhythmic strokes and soft pumping movements in the direction of the lymph nodes. The main lymph nodes are in the neck, armpits, and groin.

A treatment usually lasts around 30 minutes for a localised session, or about an hour for a full-body treatment.

After care advice

In order for you to gain the maximum benefits please follow our after care advice; Increase your water intake, have a suitable period of rest, avoid eating a heavy meal, smoking and cut down on tea and coffee.

What is Myofascial Release Massage?

Myo is Latin for muscle.  Fascial means pertaining to the fascia within the body.  The fascia is a three-dimensional web like tissue that covers the body from the top of the head  down to the toes.  It is like a giant spider web that spreads throughout the body incompassing the organs, bones, muscles, nerves and blood vessels.  The fascial tissue is what holds our structure together.  Without it we could not stand up.

Myofascial Release is a gentle therapy, consisting of a mixture of light stretching and massage work.  During a session, the therapist will apply hands-on massage strokes in order to release tension from the fibrous bands of the muscles, bones, nerves and joints, by unblocking any scar tissue or adhesions due to injury or surgery in the muscles and surrounding tissues.


Physical /Mental Benefits

Decreases Pain Strengthens the immune system Improves nerve function Increases blood circulation

Who can Benefit from the Therapy

Myofascial Release is highly effective in treating patients with the following diagnoses:

Back strain, chronic back pain, low back pain, thoracic back pain Carpal tunnel syndrome Chronic cervical pain Complex pain complaints Dizziness, vertigo Fibromyalgia Fibrositis Headache Myofascial pain dysfunction Plantar fasciit is Post-Polio symptoms Thoracic outlet syndrome TMJ dysfunction  Trigger points, tender points *Whiplash


malignancyaneurysmacute rheumatoid arthritis Hematomaopen wounds

What to expect

The most commonly practised method of myofascial release involves light massage and gentle stretching. More intense (and sometimes painful) versions of the treatment incorporate deep pressure and skin rolling—pinching the skin to pull it away from the body, then pushing it forward with the thumb to separate the skin from the muscle. Although most sessions focus on the whole body, you can ask the therapist to concentrate on problem areas, like the back.

After care advice

In order for you to gain the maximum benefits please follow our after care advice; Increase your water intake, have a suitable period of rest, avoid eating a heavy meal, smoking and cut down on tea and coffee.

What is a Pregnancy Massage?

Pregnancy massage differs to a body massage. The biggest way it differs is that the person receiving the massage is pregnant, and therefore knowledge of pregnancy and the anatomy of a pregnant woman are very important. This means that positioning during a massage is critical to the safety and well-being of both the mother and the baby she is carrying. There are also parts of the body that should not be massaged.

The room setting for a pregnancy massage is much like a typical massage, the room will have low lightening. Soft music will be in the background to help you relax and drift off. Some therapists will provide music with a baby’s heartbeat in the background, some use candles to also set the mood and of course they smell good too. Be sure to tell your therapist if any of these disturb your senses. Sometimes there might be music or smells that don’t quite agree with you and they are easily changed.


Physical /Mental Benefits

Tranquil relaxation and reduce stress.Relief from muscle cramps, spasms, and myofascial pain, especially in the lower back, neck, hips, and legs.Increase in blood and lymph circulation, which can reduce swelling.Reduces stress on weight-bearing joints.Improves outcome of labor and eases labor pain.Enhances the pliability of skin and underlying tissues.Provides support for the new mother with physical and emotional strains of mothering.

Who can Benefit from the Therapy

Massage is beneficial for almost everyone. Even women carrying multiples babies can benefit greatly from massage. There may be certain conditions that may or may not be related to the pregnancy that would preclude massage or certain types of massage.


Massage contraindications during pregnancy would include; discharge of blood, suspected or diagnosed eclampsia, gestational diabetes, ruptured amniotic membranes, broken bones, tumors or other acute conditions. You should not receive massage of your doctor has diagnosed you with a high risk pregnancy.

After care advice

In order for you to gain the maximum benefits please follow our after care advice; Increase your water intake, have a suitable period of rest, avoid eating a heavy meal, smoking and cut down on tea and coffee.

What is Reflexology?

Reflexology involves working mainly with the feet and is also used on the hands and ears. It increases the natural energy flow around the body unblocking any blockages and restores balance to the body and gives a sense of well being and restores homeostasis to the body. This treatment treats the body as a whole and is effective for many conditions such as back pain, headaches/ migraines, arthritis, sleeping disorders, hormonal disorders, digestive problems and stress related problems to name a few. It has also been known to help fertility.

Reflexology has been used for thousands of years by the Egyptians, Indians and the Chinese and was brought and practised in the UK in 1966. Reflexology is a treatment which mainly works on the base of the feet,. The therapist uses their fingers and thumbs to do massage movements and different pressure on different parts of the foot. Each foot mirrors that side of your body. We can pick up on blockages and imbalances by crystals left at the base of the feet which we will then unblock this and release them back into the body so the lymphatic system starting the detoxification process. This is a process that cleanses the body by breaking down the toxins. Reflexology is a powerful and effective treatment that will re-balance your mind, body and soul.

What to expect from reflexology?

Reflexology last for 45 minutes, to an hour. This includes a thorough consultation, a foot soak and pre and post foot massage. For first time clients please allow an extra 15 mins for consultation it is important for us as therapist to gain as much information as possible for us to give you the best treatment.

Who can Reflexology help?

People with irritable bowel syndrome Insomnia and sleeping disorders Poor circulation Headaches and migraines Can help fertility Back pain Depression, stress and mental fatigue Reflexology can also help with irritableness and tension


Athletes foot Verrucas First trimester of pregnancy Diabetes Epilepsy Heart conditions If you are under going treatment for cancer

If you do suffer with any of the above we ask contact your doctor before considering treatment.

After Care Advice

You may feel light headed and nausea after your treatment. It is important not to get up to suddenly after your treatment and to drink plenty of water as you may be dehydrated. You should relax after your treatment and not do anything tiring or strenuous. Avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine for 24 hours after treatment. For best results drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body.

What are Relaxation Groups?

Modern life can be a stressful, what with deadlines and targets, Computers and pollution, work and relationships. Sometimes you’re so wound up that it takes a concerted effort just to let go, calm down and allow your body to relax.

We can’t avoid all stress, but we can counteract its negative effects by learning how to evoke what is known as the relaxation response, a state of deep rest that is the polar opposite of the stress response. The stress response floods your body with chemicals that prepare you for “fight or flight.” But while the stress response is helpful in true emergency situations where you must be alert, it wears your body down when constantly activated.

The relaxation response brings your system back into balance: deepening your breathing, reducing stress hormones, slowing down your heart rate and blood pressure, and relaxing your muscles. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualisation, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided meditation, will help you activate this relaxation response. When practising these techniques regularly, it leads to a reduction in your everyday stress levels and a boost in your feelings of joy and serenity. What’s more, it can also serve to protect from the onset of Disease and Illness, and teach you how to stay calm and collected in the face of life’s challenges.

Sessions are structured as a course of six weekly sessions which last for 1hr

They involve:Colour Readings to indicate stress levels Supportive Literature with tips and exercises to practice.Guided visualisations journeys to serene and tranquil places within yourself.Deep and abdominal breathing techniques.Progressive Muscle relaxation.Guided Meditation, which is known for its healing and Therapeutic qualities.1-2-1 or Group and Corporate bookings for specialist Deep Therapeutic Relaxation Sessions are available.

What is it?

A Sports massage is ideal to treat injuries and as well as a preventative treatment dealing with the health of muscle and connective tissue, range of movement, tone, symmetry, balance of muscle and quality of posture.


Improved relaxation.Minimal muscle tension.Higher range of movement.Scar tissues improvement.Better recovery by raising blood circulation to the affected spot.


Acute inflammation (e.g. osteitis, periostitis)Acute circulatory disturbance Acute dermatological problem Local infection Local malignancy New burns Potential thrombus/emboli, varicosities Abdominal tumor, aneurysm, pregnancy, menstruation

After care

You may feel light headed, tired, and dehydrated after your treatment. It is important to drink plenty of water directly after the massage and the rest of the day to flush metabolic waste from the tissues.

Try and relax for the rest of the day/evening following treatment. No heavy exercise should be undertaken for 24hrs.

Ice pack applications, or warm bathes maybe recommended following treatment depending on your individual complaint.

What is stone Therapy?

Stone Therapy is a type of massage that uses specially heated volcanic lava stones, or cooled marble stones, combined with Swedish-style massage movements, to promote the healing properties of both the skin and muscles.

What is the difference between hot & cold stones?

Cold stones can also be used to help muscular injury and inflammation. Warm stones expand the blood vessels, helping to move blood faster round the body, sedating the nervous system. The application of cold stones stimulates the nervous system by causing the blood vessels to contract and increasing the lymph flow of waste materials round the body.

What to expect from a Stone Therapy Treatment?

The stones are heated to a comfortably warm temperature prior to treatment. The stones are not hot but relaxing they are then used to massage arms, legs, the back and the face.

What can be treated with Stone Therapy?

Hot Stone therapy can help in the treatment of for following problems; muscular aches, pains and strains, rheumatic and arthritic conditions and Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, back pain and insomnia. It also helps to improve circulation and can help reduce stress, anxiety, tension and depression.

Aftercare Advice

You may feel light headed, tired, and very dehydrated after your treatment. It is important to drink plenty of water directly after the treatment and rest for the day. Try and relax for the rest of the day/evening following treatment. No heavy exercise should be undertaken, or alcohol consumed for 24hrs. Clients may feel lightheaded, dehydrated, or nauseous if these guidelines are not followed.


Individuals that have diabetes that are not under the care of a doctor should avoid Hot Stone Therapy. Also those with high blood pressure, open sores or skin lesions, pregnancy, or-osteoporosis should check with their doctor before receiving treatment.

What is Trigger Point Therapy?

Trigger Point Massage addresses surface muscles, connective tissues and deeper ligaments and is closely aligned with the eastern technique of acupressure massage.

A Trigger Point is a physiological dysfunction formed in muscles and causing referred pain.  The referred pain is usually steady, dull and aching, often deep.

It must be pointed out that Trigger Point Massage is not relaxing!  It requires the participation of the client to communicate the presence and intensity of pain and discomfort.  Therapist and client work together to maximise the effectiveness of the treatment which includes alleviating muscle spasms and improving circulation.


Physical /Mental Benefits

Increased flexibility Improved circulation Better range of motion Reduced stiffness or muscle tension Fewer headaches

Who can Benefit from the Therapy

Arthritis patients Individuals recovering from accidents or other trauma Worker s suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome Athletes People suffering from migraines Patients dealing with bursitis or tendinitis


Acute inflammation (e.g. osteitis, periostitis)Acute circulatory disturbance Acute dermatological problem Local infection Local malignancy New burns Potential thrombus/emboli, varicosities Abdominal tumour, aneurysm, pregnancy, menstruation

What to expect

A typical trigger point therapy session typically lasts about 60 minutes, though your initial visit may take a little longer. Your practitioner will first ask you about your general health and what you hope to achieve with trigger point therapy. He will then locate your trigger points by touching various areas of your body.

Once your trigger points have been located, your practitioner will begin to exert pressure on them. Typically, fingers or knuckles are used to exert this pressure, though sometimes elbows or trigger point therapy tools are also used. You will feel pain when pressure is first placed on your trigger points. It is important to voice this pain to your practitioner, so that she can tailor the massage to your specific needs. The pain will become less intense as the session continues. During and after the session, your practitioner will also stretch various muscles. This is to prevent your muscles from tightening up again.

After care advice

After your session, you should feel very relaxed. You will also notice a reduction in your pain symptoms and an increase in your range of motion. You might find yourself particularly energised due to the endorphins released during the process. Some clients generally require about five trigger point sessions to achieve noticeable relief

In order for you to gain the maximum benefits please follow our after care advice; Increase your water intake, have a suitable period of rest, avoid eating a heavy meal, smoking and cut down on tea and coffee.